Unless it can be replicated and observed it's all conjecture otherwise.Remember that when somebody says "The science is settled"it ain't.When somebody says that right away you know they have no interest in science They just want you to shutup and let them run roughshod over you with their preferred policies and "fixes".
What brought about this post is I read something in Parade magazine today in puff piece about Neil Degrasse Tyson.In it they throw out the canard about folks not being interested in science.What the author is saying is people aren't interested in what they say science is about and what it means.It's the old agree with me or you are wrong and evil deal we've all seen it in action.It's really a very sad and insidious thing they are doing.
I wasn't going to comment on it but then I found this story Grand Canyon Grand but Older.
The something appears to have started happening 17 million years ago, geologists concluded in a study in the journal Science on Friday. If correct, this is at least 11 million years earlier than previous estimates.
By dating mineral deposits inside caves up and down the canyon walls, the geologists said they determined the water levels over time as erosion carved out the mile-deep canyon as it is known today. They concluded that the canyon started from the west, then another formed from the east, and the two broke through and met as a single majestic rent in the earth some six million years ago.
Previous theories had posited six million years as the earliest age for the beginning of the entire Grand Canyon of the Colorado River.
So the previous theory is now superseded by another theory.The science isn't settled it never is this goes on all the time.See Scientific Method.
H/T Real Clear Science
What brought about this post is I read something in Parade magazine today in puff piece about Neil Degrasse Tyson.In it they throw out the canard about folks not being interested in science.What the author is saying is people aren't interested in what they say science is about and what it means.It's the old agree with me or you are wrong and evil deal we've all seen it in action.It's really a very sad and insidious thing they are doing.
I wasn't going to comment on it but then I found this story Grand Canyon Grand but Older.
The something appears to have started happening 17 million years ago, geologists concluded in a study in the journal Science on Friday. If correct, this is at least 11 million years earlier than previous estimates.
By dating mineral deposits inside caves up and down the canyon walls, the geologists said they determined the water levels over time as erosion carved out the mile-deep canyon as it is known today. They concluded that the canyon started from the west, then another formed from the east, and the two broke through and met as a single majestic rent in the earth some six million years ago.
Previous theories had posited six million years as the earliest age for the beginning of the entire Grand Canyon of the Colorado River.
So the previous theory is now superseded by another theory.The science isn't settled it never is this goes on all the time.See Scientific Method.
H/T Real Clear Science