I'm only into it if it is
Really all I want to do is make my own whiskey grow my own weed my own food and make a couple a dollars without paying taxes.Is that too much to fuckin ask for goddammit.It's not a joke that everything...
View ArticleMardi Gras at Chez Bubba sans madamoiselle
Gumbo ala Bubba with croutons.The croutons are the shit.Somebody who shall remain nameless will miss out.Sigh!That was my top secret plan girl..
View ArticleGood luck to the new non-smokers
I learned in the comments that another in my circle has taken the plunge and is trying to quit smoking.A very hard nut indeed.Preppy good luck man.Anytime somebody tries I like to encourage them.Might...
View ArticleIt's old and kinda cool
I don't know if it was mass produced or not.The blackboard.It folds down into a desk.I'm guessing a homeschool setup.I told my cousin I would see if anybody was interested in buying or had info on...
View ArticleBubba's Farm the beginning
My Jedidiah Fisher seeds in action.I started 30 tomatoes 12 cabbage and 12 cauliflower.Only 1 tomato seed and 1 cabbage didn't germinate not too shabby for 2 year old seed.I will start 30 more maters...
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