I shudder to think of the killing and mayhem that might have visited upon the state of Texas had this shipment of a seemingly innocuous plant not been so heroically stopped by the Gestapo oops I mean the fine upstanding LEO's that we read about everyday.Have you seen Reefer Madness all that shit is true dontcha know.
I for one am thankful that my betters only want the best for me and love me as they do their own children.I love the fact that they know better than me what is best for me.It makes life so much easier.
562 pounds of pot found in boat
Again a traffic stop they must not read this blog or they would have seen this post Check those accessories.Remember kiddos not only is this blog nutritious and high in fiber it is also highly informative.
That qoute there is wrong.Every time I have smoked this insidious drug I have to fight off the urge to kill,rape,pillage and torture.Or maybe that's just because I am a man I have that urge hard to tell these days.
I for one am thankful that my betters only want the best for me and love me as they do their own children.I love the fact that they know better than me what is best for me.It makes life so much easier.
562 pounds of pot found in boat
Again a traffic stop they must not read this blog or they would have seen this post Check those accessories.Remember kiddos not only is this blog nutritious and high in fiber it is also highly informative.
That qoute there is wrong.Every time I have smoked this insidious drug I have to fight off the urge to kill,rape,pillage and torture.Or maybe that's just because I am a man I have that urge hard to tell these days.