Well my problem was Adblock.
Dammit I assume a lot of folks use that.You can just disable it for this site only:)Hint.
Oh well if you use Amazon consider ordering here ya'll know the spiel.
I will try and not be too pushy but I've wanted to try and see if I could make a couple of bucks
from the blog.
I'm throwing everything against the wall here.We'll see.
Thanks in advance for considering it if you are.
I will be monkeying around with the blog so don't be alarmed there will always be babes naked and otherwise.
That is all.
Dammit I assume a lot of folks use that.You can just disable it for this site only:)Hint.
Oh well if you use Amazon consider ordering here ya'll know the spiel.
I will try and not be too pushy but I've wanted to try and see if I could make a couple of bucks
from the blog.
I'm throwing everything against the wall here.We'll see.
Thanks in advance for considering it if you are.
I will be monkeying around with the blog so don't be alarmed there will always be babes naked and otherwise.
That is all.