State inspections of some DFW tatoo studios reveals unsanitary conditions
"There are a lot of people out there doing a lot of unsafe, unclean things, and it would be really nice if they weren’t allowed to do it,” said Josh Hall, who has owned J. Hall and Company Gentleman Tattooers in Dallas for nearly two years.
Hall, a paramedic turned tattoo artist, is among those calling for more state oversight of tattoo studios, similar to the nail salon business, which requires shop inspections once every two years.
"I wish that they were regulated as much as nail salons or barber shops. It’d be nice. We could get rid of a lot of the riffraff," said Hall.
Yeah Josh the government will fix that shit right up.
So I guess I've never really heard all those stories about unsafe and unclean shit in many other highly regulated businesses.
Nigga please.
Be careful what you wish for Josh lest you be classified as riffraff someday.
Those pesky laws have a way of boomeranging on ya.
So requiring a license doesn't really stop anything nefarious now does it.
Same as it ever was.
In my world Josh would concentrate on his own shit and make his shop the best it could be by doing the right things.
Maybe even speak out about it and differentiate his clean and sanitary business from the riffraff.
Offer a good service at a good price and maybe you clean up a small part of your world.
No government needed there.It's gonna require some effort on your part though to be truly free.
Come on over to the darkside Josh it's beautiful over here.
Dressing up government intervention with altruism is the worst trait to have very ugly indeed.