Channel: Your Crazy Uncle Bubba
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Great another fucking study

Study looks at which teens gravitate to hookah use

The study's findings confirm earlier research showing that students from families of higher socioeconomic status are more likely to use hookahs, as are males, white students, those who already smoke cigarettes, and those who had previously used alcohol, marijuana or other illicit substances, says the study published online today in Pediatrics.
But the analysis of data collected from a nationally representative sample of 5,540 high-school seniors between 2010 and 2012 also finds that living in a big city, having more highly educated parents, and having a higher weekly income from a job or other source also increases the odds of hookah use.
"When it comes to cigarette smoking, at least now, we tend to think of it as more associated with lower socioeconomic status and lower parental education," says lead study author Joseph Palamar, an assistant professor of population health at NYU Langone Medical Center. That was the exact opposite for students most likely to engage in using hookahs, he says.
ZOMG rich white kids are doing it.Something must be done right and who do they want to do something.
Let us take a look shall we.
In fact, Palamar says, these devices make it even more important for educators, health providers and policy makers to collaborate and fill in the gaps in public understanding about the risks of hookah smoking.
Of course that's what he wants more experts and water walkers telling people what to do.
More government is always the answer with these jackoffs.That should work out well.
I wonder why we don't have utopia yet.
I guess it costs more than the 10 trillion we already pay for government.
Maybe they should just leave folks the fuck alone.It could work.
You won't live forever peeps enjoy yourselves while you can.

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