Food prices surge again:Is the inflation Genie out of the bottle?
But that’s just the beginning. As we warned earlier this year, food prices would see a steady rise through 2014 because of increased global demand, drought and continued degradation of the U.S. dollar.
Fuckin A it is.It ain't all weather and disease either.Who knew that printing trillions of dollars would be bad.Don't hurt your shoulder raising your hand.
Don't worry though the smartest people who ever lived will save us.
After shopping with the old lady yesterday I think my tinfoil hat is now securely on her head.
The occurrences are to numerous to go into detail on one post.
The one that got her attention the 20 pack of Coke is the same price as the 24 just a short while ago.
I told her they can't shrink the size of the cans too noticeable.That's stealth inflation. One more a whole fryer cost $1.09 a pound at freakin chinamart.Used to get roasters cheaper than that.
Well be lucky to live through the coming reckoning.