Come up with a doggy door that has a built in guillotine.
"Doggy Door Bandit" caught on camera
"Doggy Door Bandit" caught on camera
A man dubbed "the doggy door bandit" has been caught on video breaking into a home by crawling through a dog door.
When Nikki Berry and her family returned home from church on Sunday, they learned someone had been inside their house in the 2700 block of 6th Avenue in Fort Worth's Ryan Place neighborhood.
"It was just kind of shocking,” Berry said. “You don't know what to think."
Surveillance video showed a young man peeking through the back door.
The dog door is out of camera view, but Berry said there was no other way for him to get inside.
“I’m surprised an adult male could fit through it,” she said.
Fort Worth police officer Daniel Segura said a review of reports showed at least one other recent burglary in the same neighborhood where someone crawled through a dog door.
Or better yet a twelve ga. zeroed on the door.They have the kind where it only allows your animals in.Some different technology and we have a winner.
I think this is doable you could have it give a warning before firing to cover the legal bases.
I'm sure there is some mechanism that could fire the gun if unauthorized entry is tried.
Just spitballin some diabolical killing machines for low life thieves.
Maybe this wouldn't work it seems nowadays everyone is welcome in your house whether you want them there or not.
I guess the new protocol when you find home invaders in your house is to invite them to sit down to dinner and plead with them to walk the straight and narrow.That's only if they don't kill you and rape your old lady and kids first of course.
I think folks have a right to not have their shit stolen by unwelcome visitors and also have the right to make big red stains on the floor of said visitors.
But what do I know I'm just a racist redneck.