But that is a Russian tower it takes a special breed to climb one of those look at the rust on that thing.I guess they just paint the white sections and leave the others patina.
I remember one time doing a tower inspection and having an x-brace come off in my hand luckily only one bolt hole had rusted through the rest held but that put an end to the inspection.The culprit buzzard shit nothing like a tower covered in buzzard shit in the middle of summer with 90% humidity.I think soupy is the word I'm looking for.Ah the good old days.
I remember one time doing a tower inspection and having an x-brace come off in my hand luckily only one bolt hole had rusted through the rest held but that put an end to the inspection.The culprit buzzard shit nothing like a tower covered in buzzard shit in the middle of summer with 90% humidity.I think soupy is the word I'm looking for.Ah the good old days.