So it goes on here
The Inequality Bogeyman
I've said before think it's bad now just wait till we're all equal.No we all won't be equally rich.We will all be equally poor and miserable the default position of humanity.Of course the equalizers won't be scrounging for scraps they will be living the life of the denizens of a King's court or that of a party apparatchik.
Some qoutes
I threw in the Churchill one cause it illustrates the endgame liberals wish for.
The Inequality Bogeyman
I've said before think it's bad now just wait till we're all equal.No we all won't be equally rich.We will all be equally poor and miserable the default position of humanity.Of course the equalizers won't be scrounging for scraps they will be living the life of the denizens of a King's court or that of a party apparatchik.
Some qoutes
I threw in the Churchill one cause it illustrates the endgame liberals wish for.