GP SWAT operators operating on the operation.I think they are discussing whether to call up the mortar team or to call in some artillery.I suggest an airstrike or at the least an A-10 strafing run.
Standoff underway;homes evacuated in Grand Prairie neighborhood
GRAND PRAIRIE — Police said a wanted felon has holed himself up inside a Grand Prairie home after two domestic incidents.
Early Wednesday morning, SWAT team members surrounded the home on Family Circle, where the suspect refused to leave.
I wonder if they are issued those uniforms or do they have to pay to play Army.They ain't all matching though that could affect unit cohesion and morale.
I also suggest a blue ribbon committee study this obvious oversight.
I like the camelbacks too I'm guessing the drunk dude must have mined the egress points to the 7-11.
Standoff underway;homes evacuated in Grand Prairie neighborhood
GRAND PRAIRIE — Police said a wanted felon has holed himself up inside a Grand Prairie home after two domestic incidents.
Early Wednesday morning, SWAT team members surrounded the home on Family Circle, where the suspect refused to leave.
I wonder if they are issued those uniforms or do they have to pay to play Army.They ain't all matching though that could affect unit cohesion and morale.
I also suggest a blue ribbon committee study this obvious oversight.
I like the camelbacks too I'm guessing the drunk dude must have mined the egress points to the 7-11.